Saturday, October 26, 2013

SimpleK12 - Teacher Learning Community

An Addiction?


Some time ago, I came across SimpleK12 which is a teacher learning community. I became a member and as I didn't pay, I didn't have full access.

When the #RSCON4 ended, I won a full year membership to the site and to my surprise... I found it really amazing.

I discovered lots of shared resources, interesting forums and wonderful webinars with extremely interesting presenters like Shelly Sanchez Terrell, Kim Munoz, Melissa Edwards, Jerry Swiatek and my dear friend Jennifer Verschoor.

I have also met wonderful educators like Mariel Gomez de la Torre, who is an active participant and with whom I have started a nice discussion relationship in the forums.

Last weekend, I attended a series of "Digital Storytelling" webinars and I'm looking forward to attending the next one which will have free access to "Google Apps".

Free Online Event - November 16th

If you haven't sneaked around, just do it! You will find a fantastic world of ideas and resources! As Jennifer and Shelly mentioned "it's addictive" and I truly agree with them!

It's an addiction which I hope I can keep having! 

I love the bunnies!! :)

Saturday, October 19, 2013


Reform Symposium Conference - 2013

It was such a great pleasure having attended the RSCON4 this year! I got there just by chance or better said, because I'm a member of "The 30 Goals Challenge for Educators" group. 

There I talked about one of my activities and projects with my dear Ayat Tawel from Egypt - "ArgentEgypt"- and Shelly Sanchez Terrell read it, liked it and invited us to participate in the conference as presenters.

It was a fantastic event; there were more than 100 presenters, tons of interesting topics and awesome educators from all around the globe.

I attended some sessions due to time difference, working time and sleeping time. They were marvelous as  I learnt a lot from all of the presenters. I cannot say "I like this much more than the other one" cause they were all great. What I can say is that I learnt, learnt and learnt!!!

To my surprise, Ayat nominated me as one of the EdInspired teachers, and much more surprised I was when I was told that I was one of the 5 "winners" so to speak!

I'm happy to have been there, to have listened to outstanding-ovation sessions and to have met excellent educators cause all that has given me more ideas to keep improving, to keep working and to keep saying "I love being an educator".

RSCON4 Presenters & Volunteers 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Aprendizajes en Redes 2.0

Trabajo Final

Despues de varias semanas de compartir este curso "Aprendizajes en Redes 2.0" en, estamos poniendo el punto final. Este es mi trabajo, según lo pedido.

Mi blog, es en Inglés puesto que esa es mi área de trabajo. Comparto notas, ideas y comentarios de otros colegas. Hoy voy a mostrar alguno de los links que les he dado a mis alumnos para hacer sus trabajos como evaluaciones.

El que más me gusta es Photopeach. Es una herramienta donde se suben fotos y queda hecha una presentación formal.
Aquí verán el trabajo de mis alumnos de 1ero 2da con sus títeres.

Títeres - 1ero 2da - 2013 on PhotoPeach

Una herramienta similar es Animoto. De igual manera, se suben fotos y se realiza un album.

Otra herramienta que he usado es Fotobabble. Se sube una fotografía, se graba un mensaje y luego se escucha dicho mensaje.

Tambien me gusta Slideshare porque mis alumnos pueden compartir sus trabajos. En este caso, muestro mi presentación en la conferencia "Reform Symposium" que dí el 12 de Octubre. También adjunto el link para escuchar la sesión.

Otros sitios que me encantan son "Doppel me", "Be funky", "Build yourself wild" y "Fodey" ya que los alumnos pueden crear avatars y luego así pueden describir en forma oral o escrita ese personaje creado.

Build yourself wild

Be funky

Doppel me

Me encantan las historias digitales virtuales y mi sitio favorito es "Make Beliefs Comix" porque los alumnos no solo crean los personajes sino que tambien crean sus propias historias.
Make beliefs Comix

Estas son algunas de las herramientas que uso para que mis alumnos trabajen aparte del libro de clases.

Sunday, October 13, 2013

What a wonderful week

Great things happened on...

Monday Oct 7th
My 1st niece was born! Her name is Rafaela, she is so cute and all the family is extremely happy with her arrival. What a blessing for all of us! 
No pics due to her parents' request! Sorry :)

My dear Rafaela is here!!! Love you :)

Tuesday Oct 8th
My b-day! I became 42 years old! Yeap... Life goes too fast! I had a fantastic day with my students at school, friends and colleagues at home and of course with my family.
I had one of the best gifts ever... my dear friend Ayat sang the Happy b-day song in Arabic! It's a tongue twister and I wish I could sing it!!! Shokran ya gamela!!! Ana ba7ebak awee! :)

Wednesday Oct 9th
Online interview with Miss Cintia Costa students. They are from the University of Belem, in the Brazilian Amazon's area. I talked about the resources I use in my classes and gave them some ideas about how to use the book with the resources mentioned. The students were so nice and some have started following me in Facebook!

Cintia Costa's blog

Slides of my presentation

Thursday Oct 10th
What a day!!! Two wonderful pieces of news...
Number one... I was nominated as one of the five individuals to be recognized at the EdInspire live ceremony held online as part of the Reform Symposium Free Online Conference. Again, my dear Ayat is "to blame" for this!!! She nominated me with such a lovely message!!!

My Nomination 

Number two... though this one is still "off-the-records", I will be the new Rotary Club Rio Tercero Secretary during the 2014-2015 period! Thanks "Pepe", the eligible president, for having trusted me (esp because I'm "brand new" in the club)

Friday Oct 11th
The RSCON4 Conference started. It gave me so much pleasure to listen to Sugata Mitra, who gave an amazing open ceremony. The expression that I loved the most was "Pedagogy needs to include the use of Internet". I totally agree as some educators are still in the "Stone Age" as far as technology is concerned!

Awesome sessions 

Saturday Oct 12th
What a fantastic day at RSCON4!! Ayat and I talked about our most precious project "ArgentEgypt", my dear colleague Marijana Smolcec talked about Facebook, Sam Patterson gave us a funny presentation about puppets and Miguel Mendoza opened our eyes to "Diverse and Disability". Of course, those were the sessions I attended. I wanted to attend more but due to time and some other activities... I'll check the recordings!

Sunday Oct 13th
EdInspire ceremony at RSCON4 where I officially got my "Honoree certificate", listened to Ayat talking about us and read wonderful comments about my job. I also want to congratulate the other 25 nominees and of course the other 4 winners "Fatem, Chaouwki, Vicky and Maggie". They are such great educators! Bravo!!

Such a great honor for me!!! 

So... this is it! Don't you agree with me... "What a wonderful week"!!!

Smiles to you all :)

Friday, October 4, 2013

Aprendizajes en Redes - Curso de

Modulo 3 - Aplicaciones Web 2.0 y Lenguaje Audiovisual

Después de haber descubierto a - el portal educativo del gobierno Argentino - he hecho varios cursos online, siendo éste el 4to. Me han encantado todos los anteriores y por supuesto, éste también.

Como parte de las actividades del Módulo 3, teníamos que leer el material obligatorio y crear cuentas en algunos sitios que se mencionan en la bibliografía obligatoria.

Desde hace tiempo, yo tengo abierta mis cuentas en al menos 2 de esos sitios puesto que aprendí a usarlos en "Webheads" (Community of Practice).

Aqui dejo mis links.

Slideshare: Mi "Slideshare"

Flickr: Mi "Flickr" Este es un sitio que no uso mucho puesto que no me gusta subir fotografías. Cuando lo hago, comparto mis fotos en "Photopeach"...

Aunque también tengo cuenta en Youtube, no subo videos pero sí sigo diferentes personas e instituciones.